Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Week Eight

This week we were focussing on reflective surfaces, the way light hits and travels through an object, making the object look different than it's usual state. I focussed on looking at the specular reflections and the diffused reflections. We started off with quick 5 minute sketches, making sure that there were no kissing objects, and no item was isolated.

First 5 minute sketch:

Second 5 minute sketch:

After my first sketch I realised I had drawn too big as not everything would fit on the page, so for my second I reduced the size. I don't feel that either of these sketches went well, although the objects are in the right proportions to each other, with some accurate lines. I need to stop including detail in my plans, until I have all the objects down and in the right position.

This was my final piece. I have shown refractions in the glass jars and ball, and reflections in the copper objects. The refractions have made the water in the jars change direction to what would normally be seen. For the reflections I used different gradients of grey to show where the reflections of other objects are and also where the light bounces off them. I have left no object orphaned, as all the objects are either 'attached' to another or the big table cloth. There are also no kissing objects. I spent 10 minutes on the composition and 30 on finishing off. I used a 3B pencil for this drawing.

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