This finished drawing was created in my local park, a scenic view with flowerbeds, trees and a cottage. This picture uses good composition with the eye following the path up and in front and behind the cottage. I think the shading is also good in this picture, I have used different tonal values, with darker tones to represent the foliage and lighter tones for the cottage and grass. I think that the pencil techniques I have used for the trees are good as there are different pencil strokes within them, creating deepness and texture, also with lighter patches showing where the sun was shining and the thinned out parts of them. I like the flower bed as the flowers start off fairly large and then as the eye moves closer to the vanishing point they get smaller and closer together. In this picture I have included a small bench and bin, these add to the interest of the picture, although not drawn with much detail. The cottage uses 2 point perspective, although this is hard to tell as the trees are in the way of the other side. This drawing took me 1 hour 43 minutes and was drawn using a 2B pencil. Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome.
Still Life:
This finished drawing uses a colander, a decorative candle holder and a cup stand with a mug hanging off one of the arms. This drawing took me 49 minutes, drawn in a 2B pencil. The best feature of this is the colander, I feel that I got the shape almost spot on with a variety of different tonal values for the shading, including some cross hatching for the darker parts. The colander looks 3 dimensional as the shading strokes have made it look spherical. Although it is an orphaned object, it is attached to the sheet underneath which has been shaded with different tonal values to represent the folds in it, some of which are bigger than the others, represented by darker patches of shading. I feel that I could have spent longer over doing these to create a neater picture. The cup stand is made out of wood, I have represented this texture by drawing in the wood grains which contrast to the ceramic mug which is very smooth. The cup stand is slightly leaning to the right, which throws the composition of the picture off. The candle holder shows where the light is hitting it on the outer decorative petals. Overall, I am fairly pleased with this picture, especially the colander.
Life Drawing:
This 2 hour 10 minute drawing is of my best friend lying on her bed in her underwear. In this drawing you can see the weight being put onto the left arm by the hand being covered by the soft duvet and the crease lines around it showing the weight. You can see the tension in the arm as it is straight, creating good posture. You can also see the weight in the legs as some of the duvet is covering them as well, especially the foot at the top. I feel that the shading in this picture is done to a good standard as you can see the self shadow made by the right arm covering her torso, and also the shading has given the overall drawing of the body a good 3 dimensional feel. My favourite part of this drawing is the hair as you can see the individual strands as well as the light bouncing off the top of the head. You can see the many folds in the duvet, demonstrated by the lines. I'm not overly happy with the shape of the toes or the shadow behind the model. This is one of the first times I attempted drawing in the fingers, and I am fairly happy with how they have come out. This picture was drawn in a 2B pencil and overall, I am very happy with the finished piece.
Awesome work. Looks like you're having a great time. So proud of you.