Saturday, 15 October 2011

Week Three

This week our lesson was focussing on composition, meaning that we learnt how to be aware of the placement of the objects in our drawings. The point of having a good composition is so that when the eye looks at the picture it looks at the whole picture not just the main focus point. Our task was to sketch out different views in separate boxes on our page:

I tried to get each picture to be different to the other. I played around with the compositions and even played around with the angle of the picture (bottom left). In the middle right picture I used the rule of thirds, I achieved this by placing the main focus (the light) onto the top right line intersect, by doing this the eye instantly looks at the whole picture, compared to if the light was right in the middle of the sketch, the eye would have just looked straight at that.

My favourite sketch from this session is the top right. The reason for this is because I like how you get a real sense of looking up at the image from on the ground. I think I have achieved a good composition on this image as when looking at it the eye doesn't go straight of the page when it gets to the right hand side, instead it gets caught on the bottom of the bridge and gets taken back around the picture again in a flowing motion, this creates more interest to my image. 

I feel that my weakest picture this week is the doors at the bottom right, this is because I feel that it lacks good composition, the eye tends to just look at the doors at the bottom and not the rest of the sketch. Although, having the poles at the top right does help to balance the picture out slightly and adds a bit more interest. However, I do like how simplistic it is and feel that this makes it easy on the eye.

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